Settle the candy score with these sweet ideas


One of the best parts of Halloween is pouring out the loot and tallying it up. Take that counting to the next level with these sweet ideas:

Everyone is number one:  Spread the bragging rights around. Sure, your daughter’s best friend got the most pieces of candy. But did your daughter get more chocolate than everyone else? Who got the most fruit-flavored treats? Have your kids and their friends analyze their piles more closely: there’s probably an area where each of them came out on top.  This is a fun way to practice basic data analysis skills.

The whole candy pie, and its many parts: The total count may be 100 pieces of candy, but what does that include? Have the kids divide their take into categories: chocolate, fruity, healthy, and non-candy (boring!).  They can find the fractions and then maaayyybe eat a piece or two to even out each category.

Coins not cavities: Not excited to have your kids dining on sugar for the next month?  Pay them for each piece and have them figure out how this translates into cash. Maybe it’s $.05/piece.  Maybe some pieces are worth more than others.  How much can they earn?

Like this approach to math?  Learn More about Wonderland Math to see how we are helping kids fall in love with math.

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