Wonder Math

Wonder Math is the only math program developing mathematical thinkers by teaching through active learning in the context of a story, making math fun, relevant, and easy to understand.

Wonder Math protects your student’s well-being by building their confidence in math topics at school. By fostering math competency, instilling a positive attitude toward math, and establishing a foundation of confidence at the critical ages of 7 to 12, kids will be brighter, more hardworking, resilient, and independent adults prepared to achieve a lifetime of advantages.

Schools alone need more resources to close the shortage of children with math skills. Wonder Math is the most fun, effective, and accessible solution to this problem. It’s the best investment a parent can make in their child to ensure a thriving and liberating future.

No other program focuses on the most critical stages of development when learning math matters the most.

By sixth grade, studies show that the cracks in a student’s math foundation are irreparable.

Four characters demonstrate Piaget's stages of cognitive development: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formative operational.

Understanding math principles and instilling a positive attitude toward math at the critical ages of 7 to 12 (2nd to 6th grade) support children in becoming rational, logical thinkers and ultimately resilient and independent adults.

Wonder Math is the only solution designed to inspire and engage children in this crucial foundational stage.

Four characters demonstrate Piaget's stages of cognitive development: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formative operational. A word bubble over the "concrete operational stage" says, "At ages 7 to 11 years, I am beginning to think logically, my thoughts are more organized, and I understand the concept of conversation."

“Mathematics, I now see, is important because it expands the world. It is a point of entry into larger concerns. It teaches reverence. It insists one be receptive to wonder.”

Math gives us different perspectives, helps us organize our chaotic thoughts, makes us more creative, and shows us how to think with reason and logic.

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